Editor’s Picks: September 2022

This month’s selections are all about travel. Well, Travel Nibble is about packing your bags and heading out, but as the summer crowd dies down, I can now head out for some shoulder-season exploration. Now, if only we can do something about canceled flights and lost luggages…

This month’s selections are all about travel. Well, Travel Nibble is about packing your bags and heading out, and as the summer crowd dies down, I can now head out for some shoulder-season exploration. Now, if only we can do something about canceled flights and lost luggages…

Sunday Scaries Extra Strength Gummies for Chillin’

For trips that span a month, this one included, there are more opportunities for travel fatigue to set in. It has nothing to do with wherever I may be when it hits; it’s more because traveling is not something that I do daily. At some point, I’m going to miss my own bed, greasy diner food, and even my local watering hole.

Fortunately, the remedy isn’t as difficult: For a day each week, I clear out my schedule and just relax. This doesn’t necessarily mean cocooning inside my hotel (although it’s the likeliest scenario); it’s more of taking on a go-with-what-feels-right-for-the-moment mindset. Popping a CBD gum—there’s 25 mg. of CBD for each 10-calorie Sunday Scaries gum—will also help get me in that mindset.  

Philips GoZero Hydrating Bottle

I consider myself very lucky to have never caught traveler’s diarrhea in my many years of globetrotting. Obviously, I take precaution every single time, but sometimes—and my friends who’ve wasted several days in their trip confined to their hotel room can attest to this—it takes just one rogue ice cube of questionable origins.

I own three different types of water-filtering bottles, swapping them according to the CDC Travel Health portal’s recommendations.

Since all my destinations for this trip have high-quality drinking water straight from the tap, I can prioritize bringing a water bottle that keeps my beverage cold over one that can filter out contaminants, such as this 20-ounce GoZero. That the cap comes with a UV-C sanitizing light that purifies the water and sanitizes the bottle, is a bonus.

evolvetogether Hydrating Body Cream

What won my heart with this body cream is neither its non-sticky feel nor its vitamin-rich formulation. It’s not the pleasant but subtle rose scent of the Monaco variant either. (Don’t get me wrong: These are compelling reasons to love it!)

What sold me is the built-in roller.

Finally, I can get every last bit of the product before chucking the container into the trash.

VIM & VIGR Moderate Compression Legwear

For days when I’m going to be seated for several hours—something I will be doing quite a bit of, for this trip—I swap my merino wool socks for their more snug compression brothers. Prolonged periods of sitting cause swollen legs and feet, which is what this moderate-compression legwear (15–20mmHg) aims to alleviate. They gently squeeze my legs in a graduated fashion, meaning they’re tightest around the ankles and then become more comfortable towards the knee, helping to promote blood flow.

The socks don’t have a toe seam in the toe box, creating a seamless feel. They’re made with high-quality fabrics and are made from 200-needle count machines for a soft and comfortable fit. 

SmartSweets Candy

Candy always figures in my trips, whether I’m sucking on hard candy as I look out the train window or munching on a few licorice twists while I’m writing postcards to send out to friends and family back home. 

Consider SmartSweets the most notable upgrade to a food category that’s almost entirely comprised of sugar. Instead of sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners, and added sugar, their candy is sweetened with allulose. This doesn’t react with the digestive enzymes in your stomach and passes through the body without being converted to simple sugar. What’s more, you’re getting fiber with every bag!

Arm & Hammer Odor Defense Sport Gear and Shoe Refresher Spray

Other than what I’ll be wearing during the flight, I’m packing just one more pair of footwear. This means that there’s not going to be enough time to air out the shoes. This shoe and gear refresher spray comes with an extra boost of Arm & Hammer baking soda and odor-neutralizing ingredients to eliminate that “I’ve been on my feet the entire day” funk.

evolvetogether Powdered Hand Soap and Coconut Powder Face Wash

I’ve always been very tentative about bringing a face wash to my travels: it’s only used for one thing, I will not use it every day, and the space it will occupy in my Dopp kit is better left for something else. Whenever my face starts feeling heavy and grimy, I make do with whatever soap I use to clean the rest of my body.

Enter evolvetogether’s unscented powder-to-foam face washes. Each individually wrapped wash packet gently cleans and exfoliates with two times less water. Even better: The packaging itself is 100 percent dissolvable.

There are also powdered hand soaps, so you don’t have to schlepp a dripping bar of soap with you wherever you are headed.

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